SLACO Gratitude and Annual Report

Dear Friends of SLACO,

What gratitude we feel for each and every one of you. Your support means the world to us in any climate, but the steadfast commitment of our SLACO community throughout the pandemic -- that was truly something special. We share our 2020 Annual Report with you today not just as a collection of facts and numbers, but as living testimony to the work that SLACO does at the direction of our membership.

There are many takeaways from 2020, but the most important is that we took care of kids. We turned our afterschool program into a full-time remote learning school, because we are unwilling to let our children fall behind. We find great joy and thankfulness in the fact that we were able to help our kids keep learning, and safely – not one child in our care caught COVID-19.

Now that our staff is fully vaccinated and infection rates are falling in the St. Louis region, we look forward to getting back out into the community and to seeing you at in-person events. For all that you do for our community, our families, and our children: Thank you. May you see the differences you made in the annual report we’re sharing here.

With gratitude,
Kevin B. McKinney
Executive Director, SLACO

Read full SLACO Annual Report<>